I will teach you the art of bush pilots, let's talk about it:
Bush flying, also known as bush piloting, refers to flying in extremely challenging conditions, especially in areas where landing on a prepared airport is not possible. Bush pilots transport people, materials, and food to remote areas without infrastructure, and their work is necessary for survival in inhospitable parts of the world. Specifically modified high-wing aircraft with quality landing gear equipped with tundra tires, floats, or skis are typically used in this segment of aviation. With such an equipped aircraft, you can land on a simple meadow, in the bed of a river, on a lake, or on a forest road with sufficient clearance.
In the Czech and Slovak conditions, bush pilot training is mainly used by pilots who have a meadow or field near their home or cottage - that is, "any other surface" (which is a legal definition according to laws and regulations) with the consent of the owner and who want to be sure that they can handle it, themselves, and the aircraft without accidents or damage.
Tecnam P 2002 Sierra used for Bush pilot training. Equipped with a rocket-assisted parachute recovery system.
For other pilots, training may be useful for competitive landing within a defined area on the deck or otherwise. For everyone else, it will greatly increase the feeling of security in the event of an emergency landing - they will know exactly what to do and what piloting techniques to choose at any given moment. You will face many real emergency landings with the engine off, where we will discuss the possibilities of the situation and choose various strategies for solving it.
Let's not do anything that requires luck! And also, nothing that violates the law or regulations.
Have you ever thought about what will happen if you fly over and the wind picks up, the clouds are low, and the engine fails over the forest that you are flying over? Have you really not thought about it?
That meadow in the middle of the forest with the dirt road that you previously landed on so carelessly is suddenly too close, very, very small and short?
Then I can assure you that your engine will usually fail in such a situation. If you hesitate and are not sure how to react, you are not sure what will happen, you are on the right track to sign up for bush pilot training.
After this training, you will fly more safely, higher, and with knowledge of the area where you can always land safely, even when it's behind you!
You will be confident in your abilities, limits, and possibilities at all times and in any situation. I cannot promise that you will always save your aircraft in such an emergency situation, but I can assure you that if you fly in a sufficiently strong and sturdy aircraft, nothing serious will happen to you, and that is what really matters here!
You will have a huge advantage - you will not be confused, the emergency situation will not surprise you, and you will have it sufficiently trained and ingrained. With the highest probability, you will also save your aircraft.
Most pilots can make significant progress after this training: they will start to perceive the lateral inclinometer in their skin, realize that the aircraft can be controlled in ways other than what they learned in basic training, fly much higher and continuously monitor suitable surfaces, keeping them in mind for possible emergency landings even if they are several kilometers behind them during gliding, and if there is no suitable surface ahead of them. Lastly, after the training, you will humbly accept the unpredictable force of nature.
I promise you that this kind of training will leave a lasting impression on you, and while driving a car or walking in nature, you will evaluate various surfaces and their slope, wind direction behind obstacles, and even think about the approach or takeoff technique and suitable piloting methods. This is how all the pilots I flew with during Bush pilot training reported to me after the training. If not, then I have failed... However, so far, no one has failed to gain such skills after completing the training. Your perception and evaluation of flying will change, and you will experience what you would not have elsewhere, which will make you a better and more capable pilot.
Yetti- J03 STOL 120HP used for bush pilot training. Equipped with a rocket-assisted parachute recovery system.
The bush pilot training is above standard and quite challenging. It is not a service provided by this aviation school and it is not entirely suitable for novice pilots. The curriculum of this training is based on my personal eighteen-year experience and is not officially approved. If you want to improve your skills in this area, I will be happy to share my expertise with you.
The bush pilot training is conducted on Tecnam P 2002 Sierra and YETTI J-03 aircraft, depending on circumstances and pilot weight.
The usual price per flight hour is 180 EUR for a pilot weighing up to 90kg in the Yetti J-03 aircraft.
For the Tecnam P 2002 Sierra aircraft, the price is 200 EUR for a pilot weighing up to 85kg! Beyond the pilot's weight limit, a fuel and wear-and-tear surcharge of 10 EUR per hour will apply, and only the Yetti J-O3 STOL aircraft can be flown.
What is required for bush pilot training:
1. A valid Ultralight pilot license (aerodynamically controlled), or PPL, CPL, or ATPL.
2. A valid medical certificate for ULL, Class II or Class I.
3. Pilot insurance covering damage caused to the aircraft operator, with a minimum coverage of 200,000 CZK (LAA, Aeroweb, Ergo). I recommend also adding coverage for operator injuries and damages. The insurance costs around 200 EUR.
4. Retraining on the Yetti J-03 1.2 TSI or Tecnam P 2002 Sierra R912 ULS, depending on the aircraft used for further training. The minimum training time according
5. You will be retrained on the Yetti J-03 1.2 TSI or Tecnam P 2002 Sierra R912 ULS, depending on which type the continuation training will be conducted on, for a minimum of 2:15 hours according to the LAA(A) syllabus. The price is much lower, please refer to the price list for the regular rates.
6.A minimum of 100 hours of flight time is required if you wish to take off and land from any other surfaces. This is a requirement under Czech law and must be complied with. You will personally confirm and sign in writing that you have more than 100 hours of flight time. I am not authorized to check your flight logs, whether you have them or not, as this is your private matter!
If you do not have more than 100 hours of flight time, we will only fly from approved airports!
Video from bush pilot training :
Tecnam P 2002 Sierra zkrácení přistání skluzem
Yetti J-03 přistání do vymezeného decku
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