Temperature, Colors, and Shapes of Oil Burner Flames

  Introduction: No matter the construction of an oil burner, its primary function is carried out by the flames it produces. These flames are a product of the burner's design and configuration.

Temperature Measurement: Measuring the temperature of flames beyond 2315°C isn't straightforward. Digital probe thermometers typically measure up to 1500°C, while further measurements require specialized equipment, such as Tungsten Rhenium probes, which can be costly. Alternative methods include infrared thermometers, which also have limitations.

Flame Colors and Characteristics: Flame characteristics vary across different types of oil burners, ranging from basic designs to professional-grade products. The color of flames depends on factors such as nozzle shape, nozzle diameter, nozzle direction, distance between nozzles, air supply quantity and pressure, and the type of oil being vaporized.

Types of Flames: Various flame colors can be observed in different burner modes, such as start-up, running at 25% capacity, maximum output, and extinguishing. These colors include orange-red, orange-yellow, yellow-blue, among others, each indicating specific burning conditions and air supply.

Temperature Range of Flames: Flame temperatures range from approximately 600°C to over 2000°C, depending on factors like fuel composition, air mixture, and burner design. Each flame color corresponds to a different temperature range.

- Red-orange flames, as a product of oil combustion, have a temperature around 600-800 Celsius.

- Orange flames have about 800-850 degrees Celsius.

- Yellow flames have a temperature of around 1000 degrees Celsius.

- Yellow-white luminous flames , moderately long to long and delicate, have a temperature around 1100-1200 degrees Celsius.

- Long, smooth blue flames have a temperature of around 1900-2050 degrees Celsius.

- Short, sharp blue-white flames, which are vividly blue with white edges or white flames, typically have a temperature ranging from 2250 to 2500 degrees Celsius. In this scenario, CO2 is commonly decomposed in the presence of atmospheric moisture. Nitrogen constitutes 78 percent of the air, and under high temperatures and swirling processes within the burner, it combines with oxygen at the atomic level, forming various nitrogen oxides, one of which is known as the potent oxidizing agent Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2). It's worth noting that in a swirling pyrolytic burner, fascinating and even fantastical phenomena occur, all of which I cannot fully describe!

- White, sometimes transparent, short, sharp, sometimes light blue, occasionally white-blue, or light orangish-white flames have temperatures ranging from 2500 to 3000 degrees Celsius. In this case, CO2 is reduced to the atomic level of methane and mixed with preheated water vapor through special atomization nozzles. This delves into more advanced topics, which I hope you'll explore in the next forthcoming book. Ultimately, it depends on you whether you'll support me in my development and new design solutions by purchasing the book.

Effect of Additives: Additives, such as sulfur compounds from used motor oil, can affect flame color and temperature, contributing to the combustion process.

Advanced Combustion Processes: In advanced combustion processes like reductive pyrolysis, temperatures can exceed 2500°C, leading to unique chemical reactions and flame characteristics. These processes involve multi-stage combustion and mixing at high temperatures.

Comparative Temperatures: Comparing flame-to plasma temperatures from different welding methods provides insight into the capabilities of each technique, with temperatures ranging from 2400°C to 25,000°C depending on the method used.

Conclusion: Understanding flame temperatures, colors, and characteristics is essential for optimizing burner performance and efficiency. Further exploration into advanced combustion processes can lead to more efficient and environmentally friendly burning techniques.

Author's Note: The author invites readers to delve deeper into burner construction and optimization through their book, offering comprehensive insights and practical guidance for burner improvement. Readers are encouraged to pursue knowledge consciously and avoid misleading advice, ensuring progress towards achieving efficient and effective burner systems.

 E-book on how to make, operate, and maintain an oil-based eco-friendly burner. The book includes a "Production Manual" with production schematics and an "Operation and Maintenance Manual." It also contains many thematic videos that will guide you through proper ecological operation and maintenance. The burner's output is continuously adjustable within the range of 10-40kW.

Filip Zejda




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