Our Czech laws and regulations allow flying a powered aircraft from the age of 15 with the consent of a legal guardian. From the age of 16, you can fly solo! I have trained several pilots who were over 60 years old. Pilot training is for anyone who truly wants to fly and can be mastered in just one month! After fulfilling all legal requirements, you can take off and land on any approved surface with the owner's permission. The possibilities are huge!    

         Modern ultralight aircraft Tecnam P 2002 Sierra, which we have in two pieces, provides performance and comfort comparable to larger GA aircraft, but at incomparably lower costs. In fact, the P2002 is manufactured as GA, LSA, and as ULTRALIGHT with 600kg and 450kg MTOW.

         Do you want to fly for fun over your homeland or do your goals lie beyond the horizon? Flying on ultralight aircraft brings you everything you can expect from recreational and sport flying. An ultralight pilot's license authorizes you to fly aerodynamically controlled two-seater aircraft up to a maximum takeoff weight of 450kg or 472.5kg and also allows you to fly ULTRALIGHT aircraft up to 600kg in CZ SK and the nearest foreign countries. The legislation is changing, and more countries recognize our pilot's license, or it can be validated with a test and skill test.

       I know many pilots, including myself, who claimed that flying in ultralights is not for them for many reasons, such as wanting to take acquaintances, ride the whole family, fly quickly to the sea or mountains, and wanting to fly when they want, not waiting for the wind to calm down and the weather to improve.

       In the end, they found that acquaintances ride once or maybe twice and are satisfied, their family does not want to go on two flights, and flying to the sea or mountains with a girlfriend is just as fast and can be done with an ultralight aircraft for less than one-third or occasionally half the cost, without complicated administration, constant high fees, and with the simplest medical examination compared to large GA aircraft.

        In addition, with an UL aircraft, you can land and take off on any other surfaces where a large aircraft cannot land and take off because it does not have the required performance and is too heavy and unwieldy! The only negative aspect that some people may see in some UL aircraft is the reduced ability to choose a spin, but this is not a concern for our Tecnam P 2002 Sierra, which has been tested with spins. They are also used for basic military training, including spin recovery in some states.

         Our Tecnam P 2002 Sierra training aircraft are serially manufactured, all-metal, and widely known and operated aircraft in the "SIRA" code, both in the adult GA category, LSA Light Sport Aircraft, and as Ultralight aircraft.


        Sierra isbetter than an otherr ULTRALIGHT aircraft. Sierra's great maneuverability is a bonus, with very high limits for tail (20kt), crosswind (22kt), and headwind (60kt), as well as mass balance of all control surfaces, and the aircraft's immediate response to pilot commands, and its ability to take off and land at MTOW from a very short runway (TORA 236m).Furthermore, few other aircraft cannot officially fly with an open cockpit. Sierras are equipped with ROTAX ULS 100HP engines and adjustable propellers. The Tecnam P 2002 Sierra training aircraft also has a rescue rocket parachute system. Tecnam P2002 Sierras are also equipped with Glass cockpits and classic instruments, a GPS with a 7-inch or larger screen.


Let's ask ourselves the question: which other ultralight or large GA aircraft has better capabilities?

       From ultralights, none, and from larger GA aircraft only those whose hourly rate is 6-8 thousand or more and still won't land or take off on a small strip!

       That's the list of reasons why I fly ultralights and why I chose the Sierra. It's also the reason why I can provide quality pilot training faster than the competition because we can fly in the rain, stronger winds, on poorly maintained unpaved surfaces.

Come and try them out during a demonstration flight!

       Another bonus of the Sierra is that we can fly in conditions when other flight schools cancel their operations due to strong winds, gusty winds, rain, and so on. This brings me to the idea of why many businesspeople have chosen to take their pilot training with me halfway between Prague and Brno - simply because I can devote myself to them in the morning on weekdays, according to their current needs and how they plan their time window between clients.

       If you have no aviation experience, it is necessary to fly at least the first 5 hours early in the morning or late in the evening so that your body gets used to flying. It is possible to fly up to 4 flight hours in one day, which is what even experienced pilots do after a long time of flying. Initially, count on one flight hour being enough. Later, towards the end of your training, you can fly 3-4 hours of training per day.

      The pilot training is focused on providing everyone with the opportunity to enjoy the training, experience it, and to have fun as they gradually learn how to tackle more difficult tasks according to their abilities. The main priority from the beginning of the training is to master an emergency landing to a full stop without damaging the aircraft and injuring the pilot. This way, you will learn to fly more safely, higher, choose suitable surfaces, and be much more predictive. On the other hand, you don't have to worry that you won't try slips, sharp turns, and many other things that you will need immediately to correct a failed budget while maintaining maximum safety.

       During the training, you can also decide to participate in VFR controlled flights.

       Immediately after the training, you can continue with advanced pilot training at airports and registered SLZ strips.

      After the basic training and at least 100 hours of PIC flying time, you have the opportunity to continue with advanced pilot training or Bush pilot training on any other surfaces in nature where your skills will significantly improve and gain experiences that cannot be simulated at airports.


Course Progress:

      The course is divided into a theoretical and practical part. After completing at least 21 hours of the total 45 hours of theoretical training, the student proceeds to practical training. Practical training includes a minimum of 20 flight hours under the supervision of a flight instructor, covering basic (regulated) requirements. It should be noted that the regulated curriculum is an absolute minimum, and only individuals with previous aviation experience can complete the entire training within the mentioned 20 hours. Therefore, it is necessary to consider practical training time in the range of 30 to 40 flight hours.

How the training works:

      The first step towards achieving your dream is to undergo a medical examination with an aviation medical examiner. The examination is not demanding, and there is no need to be afraid. Our verified specialists are: MUDr. Zdeněk Moravec and MUDr.David Melechovský.

      Next is the theoretical training, which includes aviation regulations, meteorology, navigation, aircraft instruments, aircraft construction, and basic aviation phraseology. The theoretical training can be completed in groups or individually. Theoretical training is conducted interactively and in an entertaining manner in our classroom. You don't need a notebook; a clear head is enough. The training is designed to help you understand things rather than memorize them.

     After completing the theory, practical flight training follows, which includes all elements of basic aircraft piloting, including handling emergency situations during flight and navigation flights. You will gain an understanding of how to behave in airspace and other practical experience related to flying. We differ from other flight schools in thorough practice of safety and emergency landings so that the student gains maximum possible confidence.

     After completing practical training and fulfilling the training conditions, you are prepared to take the pilot proficiency test (Ull(a)). The test consists of a written exam and a practical assessment of flight proficiency within the scope of knowledge prescribed for the given type of pilot qualification.

      If you meet the requirements of the test and practical examination, you will receive a pilot's license and can immediately rent our airplanes and fly.

ACCOMMODATION: For out-of-town pilots, there is a possibility of year-round accommodation with a bar and Wi-Fi in an airplane environment.

      If you can fly the entire vacation, I can dedicate myself to you every day. The best and most intensive training is half an hour to an hour of flying early in the morning, then studying theory, life-giving sleep after lunch, free time, and an hour of flying again in the evening. At the beginning, it is necessary to cover more theory and fly less, and only in good weather. After a week, it is possible to fly for two hours in the morning and maybe even one or two hours in the evening, even in worse weather.

     We have the best and most controllable aircraft with the highest limits for headwind, tailwind, and crosswind components. When others can't fly, we can! Skilled individuals can handle even more.

    The intensive training can theoretically and actually be completed in 14 days to three weeks during the summer. However, practically, almost no one has been able to do it all perfectly because things don't always work out, and the training must be tailored to your needs. Not everyone can fly in bad weather because they don't feel well. You also have to experience and absorb events, situations, and skills. Holders of other pilot licenses such as gliders, hang gliders, and motorized hang gliders would have an advantage because they already know something about the theory of flying and have some experience with flying and have a trained stomach.

    However, I managed to fully train a pilot three times without any previous experience in very short periods ranging from 16 days to 1.5 months. This, however, requires the will and genuine effort of the beginner pilot to put everything into the training and really learn intensively, as well as to spend time at the airport to absorb the shared experiences and atmosphere of hangar technicalities and fellow pilots. Then the training goes very quickly and smoothly!

     If you would like to know more about pilot training, I have just written an e-book called "Pilot Training" just for you. In it, you will find everything you need to know, including the perspective of both a student pilot and an instructor, as well as insights from aviation schools and aircraft owners used in pilot training. You will get a comprehensive view of pilot training and a wealth of information on how to make pilot training easier, simpler, and more cost-effective while improving the quality of pilot training, which means obtaining the best possible service rather than just the only available service, as is often the case elsewhere.

Example of training, stall recovery, and solo gliding of a student in training."

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École de pilotage de l'année 2014



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